Man And Environment Relationship


                   Man-Environment Relationship

         Man's relation to his natural environment is a complex one. The two words Man and environment are not new to everyone and the interrelation between them is well established. Thinking about the environment is as old as our first human ancestors. Every living being survival depended on the ecosystem.

Man-Environment Relationship

            Concern for the environment is also not new. Since ancient times, people have known the importance of preserving it. But there was a hidden message preserving and protecting the environment. The religious rituals served an important purpose- they made people aware of the environment and its important and so indirectly helped preserve and nourishes it.

          Trying to navigate in this boundless theoretical space, an inquisitive researcher inevitably faces the necessity to create some kind of exploratory structure encompassing these approaches and notions.

          Now, comprehension of human agency in natural environment evolution has been chosen as the main criterion of examination of human-nature interaction. On this base, three main directions of environmental thought development can be distinguished in contemporary humanitarian and scientific thought.

This relation every day should be much better. 


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